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Responsible Choice for Infrastructure
As the world enters an electrical supercycle, the stakes have...
Read MoreHow Electrical Failures Are Turning NICUs Into Danger Zones
The pain of losing a newborn is unimaginable. Now, picture...
Read MoreCopper: The Essential Metal for India’s Green Growth
As emphasized during the COP26 summit, the world is increasingly...
Read MoreHow Is Copper a Better Material for Cooling
Air conditioning systems are not just a luxury anymore, but...
Read MoreEnergy Efficiency in Appliances: Why Copper is Key
As the world faces the growing challenges of climate change,...
Read MoreCopper in Air Conditioners: Minimum Leakage, Maximum Performance
Copper has been a key material in air conditioners (ACs)...
Read MoreDanger in the Ducts: The Critical Role of Copper Cables and Bus Ducts in High-Rise Building Safety
The recent fire at Times Tower in Mumbai’s Kamala Mills...
Read MorePreventing Electrical Fire Incidents – The Urgent Need in India
Introduction In the past six months, India has witnessed a...
Read MoreLooking to buy a new home? Check The Most Important Factor – Electrical Safety!
Introduction Buying a home often costs a lifetime of savings....
Read MoreElectrical Safety in Government Buildings basis on the release of revised CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part I – Internal 2023
CPWD Mandates Copper Wiring for Enhanced Electrical Safety in Government...
Read MoreCopper – The Sustainable Choice for Cooling
As a country, India is facing rising temperatures and heat...
Read MoreBasic Parts Of Split Room Air Conditioners
ir conditioners rely on the fundamental property of gases to...
Read More7 Things To Check While Buying an AC
Air conditioners are amongst the hottest selling items (pun intended)...
Read More6 Tips To Maintain Your Air Conditioner This Summer
India’s burgeoning middle class and affordable options for buying electronics...
Read More4 Ways 100% Copper AC Helps You Save Money
Cost is always a major factor while purchasing any machinery...
Read MoreCopper AC – Durable and Reliable
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems rely on bringing...
Read MoreCopper AC – Beyond Breakdowns and Bills
The kind of summer that hits our country now is...
Read MoreMake the right Choice
Summer is at its scorching best right now and an...
Read MoreCooling With Responsibility
Mumbai: According to the weatherman, the mercury in April this year...
Read MoreIndia’s EV Aspiration – Safe and Efficient Charging holds the Key!
It is estimated that by 2030, 30% of all private...
Read MoreClosing the safety Gap with Arc Fault Detection Devices (AFDDs)
Arc faults mostly appear gradually and in low-voltage installations which...
Read MoreIndian Standards for Fire Survival Cable – 4 Things You Must Know
The Indian Standard for Fire Survival Cable which has been...
Read MoreLightning : It May have already stuck you more than once
With increasing use of electrical and electronic systems, lighting protection...
Read MoreHow Poor Power Quality can lead to Electrical fires
This article focuses on factors that lead to poor power...
Read MoreImpact of Poor PQ in Medical Facilities
Understand the dominant problems that are faced by healthcare facilities...
Read MoreElevate floors, not your risks
Read MoreHospital Fire: An avoidable emergency
Safety and reliability of electrical networks in any building is...
Read More4 Reasons why copper electrical wires are the best
Globally, copper is the preferred metal in the wire and...
Read More

Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Solar Irrigation Pumps – A deep dive in Haryana & Chhattisgarh
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The solar pumping segment in India has seen significant growth in recent years which is primarily driven by both Central and State Government subsidies, ranging from 30...
Technical Loss Reduction through Active Repair of Distribution Transformers for Mahadiscom
Current Scenario of Distribution Transformer and its losses in India: In India, power distribution companies (DISCOMs) are having high 24.96% Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses, with high 22% T&D...
Report on Repair for Performance Improvement of Distribution Transformer for MPPKVVCL
About the Research: The high monetary value of a transformer has placed the transformer life-time optimization into the focus of asset management. Distribution Transformer (DT) is one of the critical...
A case study of a 100 kVA legacy Distribution Transformer Active Repair executed in Chengalpattu Distribution network area, Tamil Nadu, India
Realizing the need to improve the life of DTs, various possibilities were explored, one among them being better-quality repair practices.
Report on Active Repair for Performance Improvement of Old Distribution Transformer for TANGEDCO
About the Research Concept: Transformers play a crucial role in the power distribution network. After overhead distribution lines, transformers are the second largest loss-making equipment in electricity networks. Distribution Transformer...
Wire & Cable Costs in Residential & Commercial Buildings
1.0% to 1.5% for most commercial buildings and 1.5% to 2.0% for most residential buildings.
Executive Summary of Wire Test – India
11,000+ fire accidents are reported every year and more than 10,000 lives are lost in these fire accidents every year
Summary of key risk factors observed on usage of Aluminium cables at various commercial buildings – Thermography Study
Aluminium Conductor breakage during testing/active pull test.
Stakeholders, Approvals and Compliances Mapping for Buildings in India
The primary aim was to understand the various kinds of approvals and compliances required for a building along with responsibility -wise stakeholder mapping.
Solar Water Heater Case Studies Booklet
In this situation, it is our moral duty not to use any type of conventional fuel and avail Solar Thermal Energy available abundantly from SUN free of cost for Hot...
Distribution Asset Failure and Impact on Consumer Tariff of Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd – Case Study
Efficacy of practices followed for investment in the distribution assets and in their upkeep and maintenance has far reaching implication on the financials of the utility, resulting in tariff of...
Replacement of Old Inefficient motors with Premium Efficiency (IE3) Motors
Banswara Syntex Ltd. is one of the largest single-mill set ups of fibre-dyed yarn in ASIA. It is a government recognized Four Star Export House having IS/ISO 9001:2008 certification &...
IE3 Motor Case Study
A replacement audit was conducted by EESL at a leading automotive OEM to study the energy & cost savings achieved by replacing old inefficient motors with Premium Efficiency Motors(IE3).
Power Quality Monitoring using Transient Analysis in LV Power Distribution Network
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. (Mahavitaran) is one of the largest power distribution companies in India. It has over 6.3 lakhs Distribution Transformers (DTs) with transformation capacity of over...
Power Shift: Framework for Retrofitting Three-Wheelers in Telangana
Electric motors use around 70% of the electricity consumed by industry, globally. Since industry accounts for around 40% of the electricity demand in India, it follows that motors use around 28 % of total electricity...
Identifying Gaps and Needs to Enhance Fire Safety in India
Considering the high number of fire accidents due to Electrical faults, it is necessary to identify the reasons and do a gap analysis. This study is conducted to understand the various aspects of Electrical safety...
Impact assessment of fire incidents and implications for safety standards and regulations in India
Considering the high number of fire accidents due to Electrical faults, it is necessary to identify the reasons and do a gap analysis. This study is conducted to understand the various aspects of Electrical safety...
Report on Moving to a Self-Sustainable Power Distribution Sector
Economic growth is invariably followed by an increased demand for uninterrupted power supply. Reliable and efficient energy delivery systems reflect advancement as it improves quality of life and catalyses sectors such as education, commerce, and...
Compendium for Set up of EV Charging Stations in Telangana
We stand at the threshold of a new era in transportation, marked by a steady increase in adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), across both passenger and goods mobility segments. With significant interest among both public...
WHITE PAPER on Set up of EV Charging Stations in Buildings in Telangana
The state of Telangana introduced the Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Policy 2020-2030 in 2020, with the objective to encourage adoption of e-mobility. The policy talks about utilization of parking spaces for set up of...
Power Quality and Electrical Safety in Hospitals
Hospital fires are on the rise. ICA India’s analysis shows that over 90+ minor and major fire incidents in Hospitals across various parts of the country have led to over 120 deaths during the pandemic....
Users Handbook for Solar Water Heaters
Solar thermal technologies hold significant promise for India, with high solar insolation of to 4 6.5 kWh/ sq.m /day for an average of 280 sunny days. The solar water heating system is a commercially viable...
Solar Water Heating System for Residential Applications
Solar energy has been used most widely for water heating in many countries. Solar thermal technologies hold significant promise for India,
PM KUSUM Report 2021 | Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan
PM-KUSUM: A Multi Sector Reforms Initiative Government of India has taken various policy measures to fulfil its commitment made in Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 to have 40% of installed power generation capacity from nonfossil...
Accelerating growth of Indian agriculture: Micro irrigation an efficient solution
Executive summary: India’s population stands at 1.27 bn and is estimated to rise at a steady pace to reach 1.6 bn by the year 2050. (According to the World Bank estimates).
National Motor Replacement Program
The primary objective of National Motor Replacement Program (NMRP) is to enable easier and faster adoption of premium efficiency IE3 motors by addressing the barrier of paying a higher & upfront cost by the industry....
New Super Efficient Air Conditioners
The New Super Efficient ACs have one of the highest Indian Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ISEER) as compared to other 3-Star or 5-Star ACs. In simple terms, this is equivalent to getting the highest mileage...
Evaluating the Electric Vehicle Battery Supply Chain and Scope of Indigenization
Electric vehicles (EVs) play a vital role in achieving the country’s net zero emission goals. The government of India has set an ambitious target for EV deployment by 2030 and beyond. The key components in...
Evaluating the Electric Vehicle Supply Chain and Scope of Indigenization
Electric vehicles (EVs) play a vital role in achieving the country’s net zero emission goals. The government of India has set an ambitious target for EV deployment by 2030 and beyond. The key components in...
Catalysing the Market Transformation of Electric Three-wheelers in India
According to the September 2022 Vehicle Retail Data released by Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) (FADA 2022), the 3W segment has continued to witness a structural shift from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to...
Catalysing the electric 2-wheeler market transformation
The authors of this report would like to express their sincere gratitude and appreciation to the following individuals and organizations for their valuable contributions that made this report possible.
Whitepaper on Risk Management & Mitigation Measures in Solar Power Plants
The whitepaper takes this as a cue and stresses on the significant potential risks that Solar projects may face from inception to completion. It also outlines possible mitigation measures to minimize the impact of the...
Mumbai Grahak Panchayat – White Paper on Safety in Electrical Installations in Housing Sector
Considering the high number of fire accidents due to Electrical faults, it is necessary to identify the reasons and do a gap analysis. This study is conducted to understand the various aspects of Electrical safety...
Sustainable Urban Networks For Dynamic and Resilient (SUNDAR) INDIA
The accelerated pace of urbanization will add 2.5 billion people to the cities of the world in the next three decades. Rapid urbanization offers opportunities and presents challenges, particularly in the context of economic development,...
Catalysing The Market Transformation Of Electric Two-wheelers In India
Electric two-wheelers are poised to become the primary clean mobility alternative, and efforts to facilitate their adoption must be prioritized. There is an imminent need to address the key barriers in their value chains. International...
Progress: A Blueprint for Retrofitting Three-Wheelers Internal Combustion Engine to Electric
Electric motors use around 70% of the electricity consumed by industry, globally. Since industry accounts for around 40% of the electricity demand in India, it follows that motors use around 28 % of total electricity...
Buyer’s Guide for Transformer
The accelerated pace of urbanization will add 2.5 billion people to the cities of the world in the next three decades. Rapid urbanization offers opportunities and presents challenges, particularly in the context of economic development,...
Bridge to India – Balance of Systems
The International Copper Association India (ICA India) is a member of Copper Alliance and Indian arm of the International Copper Association Limited (ICA). ICA is the leading not-for-profit organization for promotion of copper worldwide and has...
Installers Manual – Solar Water Heating System
Solar Energy is the sun’s radiation that reaches the earth. It is the most readily available source of energy. The sun is the earth’s power station and the source of all energy on our planet....
Users Handbook on Solar Water Heaters
Solar thermal technologies hold significant promise for India, with high solar insolation of to 4 6.5 kWh/ sq.m /day for an average of 280 sunny days. The solar water heating system is a commercially viable...
High Efficiency Motors Accelerated Replacement Program
Electric motors use around 70% of the electricity consumed by industry, globally. Since industry accounts for around 40% of the electricity demand in India, it follows that motors use around 28 % of total electricity...